• Your Loss Is Someone's Gain But...Does It Need To Be Your Loss

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  • One's Trash, Another's Treasure

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  • Why Wait Till Spring For Cleaning? Declutter...Anytime, All The Time!

    local buying & selling with an auction-like experience

  • Just Because You Don't Need It Anymore ...Doesn't Mean It Has No Value

    local buying & selling with an auction-like experience

Download the cBidz app now!!!

what is cBidz

cBidz is a free mobile application that allows sellers and buyers to connect… locally! The cBidz app is an auction-based local marketplace where sellers can list items for sale and interested buyers can bid on those with the highest bid winning the item. The auction model allows for Win-Win outcomes for both the seller and the buyer.

sell anything from books to vehicles, and everything in between!

Anything that can be sold legally, can be listed on the app; however, it is ideally suited for transactions locally in a campus environment for students or for people in the same geographic area. It is primarily intended for products where shipping may be an inconvenience, like textbooks for students, or be cost prohibitive/impractical for items such as furniture, large electronics, appliances, etc.

seller and buyer goals are always met

cBidz is responsible for managing the auction process, which primarily makes sure that the interests of the sellers and buyers are always met. The seller lists an item for the minimum amount that they are willing to accept. Any bids have to be at that value or higher. The buyer bids at a price which is the most that they are willing to pay for that item. If the buyer gets outbid, and is still interested in the listed item they have the option to submit another bid at a higher price.

why cBidz

Easy to register, list, and bid for items

Buy and Sell locally; no shipping hassles

No Ambiguity - Auctions end at a given time

Built in messaging for real-time chat

Win-Win outcomes for both - buyer and seller


how it works

Install App

Download our app free of cost from Play Store or App Store

Register & Log-In

Register with your email or facebook to login and get started

Search & Filter

You may search for specific item or scroll through all items

It's time for auction

Sellers - List an item for sale
Buyers - Search and Place a bid