
Getting Started

Download our app from PlayStore or App Store. After you have registered and created an account you will be able to sign in.

Do some research

Always do some research to see how much similar items are selling for. It is usually better to price an item lower and let buyers raise the price by bidding on it. You should never list an item for less than the minimum amount you would be willing to accept!

List an item for sell

Follow the wizard driven 4-step process to list an item - Pick Location, Choose Category, Fill in Item Details and Starting Price, Add images... and you're done

Duration of auction

All auctions run for 3 days (a bit longer in introductory period)

End of the auction

As the auction time ends the person with the highest bid will win the item. If no bids were received you will have the option to relist the item. Do reconsider the starting price as you relist the item. At the end of the auction if there is a bid or multiple bids the bidder with the highest bid wins the auction.

During the auction

During the auction period, you’ll get a daily summary that includes the number of bids and the current winning price.

Buyer & Seller can message each other with any questions or if any clarification is needed.

The cBidz app is designed to:

  • Connect buyers and sellers… locally
  • Manage the bidding process allowing the highest bidder to win the item

cBidz mediates neither the payment nor delivery/pickup logistics. Listing an item is considered a commitment to sell by the seller and a bid is considered a commitment to buy the item at the respective prices.

Once the auction closes, the buyer and seller connect and figure out delivery/pickup and payment options. The de facto method is pickup by the buyer unless the seller specifies delivery or is negotiated between the respective parties.

After the transaction is completed the seller and buyer rate each other. Lower ratings for sellers will limit the bids they receive and similarly lower ratings for buyers may preclude them from bidding